Katelynn MarfousiKM
Katelynn Marfousi
November 19, 2024
10 minutes read

How to write a press release for your new product: Examples & template

Your brand is releasing a shiny new product, and you're ready to craft the perfect product press release.

Whether you’re showcasing a fresh makeup line, a hot new video game, an innovative car, or pretty much any other kind of product, you’re going to want to release a professional PR to get the news out there and get the public hyped.

But how does a new product press release differ from a traditional press release or, say, an event press release? And what should you include in your new product PR to get maximum media coverage?

Let's break down everything you need for your new product press release to make it sparkle.

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What to include in your product launch press release

Thankfully, when writing a product launch press release, we don’t have to reinvent the wheel. A product line press release contains many elements of a general press release, book launch press releases, and even a new business press release

All press releases will include the 5 Ws:

  • Who is releasing the product?
  • What is the new product?
  • When is it being released?
  • Where can customers purchase the product?
  • Why does it matter, and how will it improve their lives?

Answering these questions will ensure that you get more media coverage. Failing to answer any of these may leave coverage on the table because a journalist will see your press release but not know how to market it to their target audience, or a customer will see a flashy new product but no way to purchase it and lose interest.

So, let's get into the nitty-gritty. These are the essential press release elements you need for your new press release:

1. A compelling headline

There are plenty of ways to make your new product press release headline pop. You can use this as an opportunity to be clever and witty, or go for the more straightforward approach – just so long as you aim to keep your catchy headline concise. No matter what you do, keep in mind:

  • Your headline should ideally be less than 70 characters to avoid getting cut off by email and wire distribution service character limits. (Read more on press release length here)
  • Your headline is an excellent opportunity to optimize your press release SEO
  • Journalists will typically scan headlines and very quickly pass on press releases that are not news, not interesting, or not related to their target audience
[browser]Use your free trial of Prezly to write a perfectly formatted press release and pitch it to the media.
Use your free trial of Prezly to write a perfectly formatted press release and pitch it to the media.
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2. All the technical specs

Let your audience know exactly what is in store with your new product. Include all of the key features, specifications, dimensions, features, etc.

While you do want to outline the technical specifications, opt to use the most neutral language possible. Wherever possible, break product features down into simple language that anyone can understand.

Make the specs accessible to the common folk while still including all the important info:

  • A food product should include a nutrition label
  • A music album release should have the tracklist
  • A clothing release should have the available colors and sizes
  • A video game release should indicate minimum requirements to run the game

You get the idea.

3. Beautiful visuals

A new product launch is all about the show, don't tell.

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Pretty much all press releases do better with multimedia. But when showcasing a new product, you absolutely have to have tons of high-quality, beautiful, attention-grabbing visuals and assets for journalists to download if you want them to cover your product.

If you use an online newsroom and distribute your press releases on your own website, it's incredibly easy to include tons of high-quality images and multimedia galleries.

And we're not just saying that as a company that helps thousands of customers create and distribute beautiful, professional press releases every year. We would never be that transparently self-promotional.

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No matter what medium you use, make sure you don't skimp on the pictures, videos, and other multimedia.

Don't take our word for it: Marketing Executive Anna Fell of Hovia shares their process of including inspiring visuals in Hovia's press releases.

When we create a new wallpaper collection that encapsulates a topic that we think our interior and design contacts will love, I want to make sure we include a variety of image assets that help tell a story - from mood boards to lifestyle shots.

I like to weave images amongst the text, and also provide zip folder attachments at the bottom so press can download a high res image pack if needed. Including statistics from our trend research is important, and it’s especially nice to include a quote from our designers about their inspiration behind the collection.

Anna Fellhovia.com

4. A company boilerplate

All press releases should have a standard boilerplate with your company description, including its mission statement, and a little bit about the values and history of the organization.

5. Contact information

Make sure that your new product press release includes a way for the wider audience and media to get in touch for media inquiries or to order the new product by including reliable contact details, including email address.

Step-by-step how to write a press release for a product

Now that we know what should be included, here are the steps to go from a blank page to an effective press release thanks to some solid ​ launch press release examples.

Step 1. Compile all your key info

Gather everything you need. Avoid endless rewrites by getting all the key details and specs before putting pen to paper.

Step 2. Draft out the press release

Your first draft doesn’t need to be a masterpiece, but it should get the major information across to your readers. Once you have all the key details down, you can play with the wording based on how it looks on the page. Scanability and readability should always be the priority, so avoid long, chunky paragraphs and dense text.

PR tools like Prezly let you format your press release with images, tables, quotes, contact cards, and more.
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Step 3. Edit and polish

Smooth out the wrinkles with a good edit. Cut fluff and filler, but check for legibility, particularly for people outside your industry.

Step 4. Add your stunning visuals

A product press release without the visuals is a sad thing indeed. Be sure to showcase the product in all its glory with video and images.

Step 5. Get a trusted team member to proofread

Never send a press release without several sets of eyes on it. Nothing is worse than sending it to your contacts only to find an errant typo afterward.

Congratulations, you followed all five steps perfectly! Now your press release is ready to send to your favorite media contacts.

Press release examples for new product announcements

See how Prezly customers like Sony, Porche, and Huawei use our press release creator to share their new product launches.

1. Example: Sony unveils INZONE Buds


Example: Sony unveils INZONE Buds – truly wireless gaming earbuds with the industry’s longest battery lifei, advised by Fnatic

Sony unveils INZONE Buds – truly wireless gaming earbuds with the industry’s longest battery lifei, advised by Fnatic

2. Example: Porche announces new electric car


Example: 100% on-brand

100% on-brand

3. Example: Huawei releases a new PC


Example: Tech giant Huawei unveils their new power performers

Tech giant Huawei unveils their new power performers

4. Example: Hovia’s newest funky wallpaper line


Example: Hovia's new checkerboard wallpaper collection puts a twist on the trend

Hovia's new checkerboard wallpaper collection puts a twist on the trend

5. Example: Carlson releases a brand new flavor


Example: Carlson Introduces a New Flavor of Award-Winning Cod Liver Oil

Carlson Introduces a New Flavor of Award-Winning Cod Liver Oil

Check out more product launch press release examples and these geeky PR gaming and tech examples for inspiration ✨

New product press release template

Your press release structure and tone will vary wildly based on your industry and your agency or clients' personal branding. However, most new product press release templates look pretty similar. 

You can copy this template and adjust it to suit your needs (and, of course, add all your information, lest it look quite sparse): 



[City, Country, Date] - Here you can include all the information for your press release in a few short paragraphs. Remember to keep it technical, brief, and compelling.

Specs, quotes, and key info about the product and product.

Photos, videos, and other multimedia.

Learn more links to your company website and the platforms where consumers can purchase your products.

About your company/boilerplate.

Contact information

[Contact name]
[Phone number]

Thankfully, with Prezly, you don’t need to write your press release from scratch each time. You can create templates for recurring information, like your press release boilerplate.

How to pitch your new product press release to the media

Easily drop in your press release into your email campaigns with a free trial of Prezly!
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This is where having the right PR tools makes all the difference. If you can use a single tool to create your press release, store your media assets, and create email pitches, that saves you a whole heap of time.

The second part of the equation is knowing who to send your press release to.

Having a quality, curated list of relevant journalists is way more important than having a bought-and-paid-for spam media list with tired journalists who don't give a crap about your industry or product.

We at Prezly make no secret of the fact that we are not a fan of paid media lists. Why? Because it's lazy. And we know too many journalists who hate them. And we like those journalists and want to see them happy.

Some tips for pitching your product to the media:

Mistakes to avoid with your new product announcement

1. The press release overhypes the new product

We know that your product is great, or you wouldn't advertise it. However, the modern audience is critical. Most of us grew up on the internet, so we have a keen eye for BS.

  • Be honest about the product and its limitations
  • Sticking to technical specs, honest photos, and reasonable time frames for product release and delivery will ensure that your broader audience is informed and able to make the best decision about whether they want the product or not
  • Show, don't tell. Don't say that your product is "the best on the market," show how its features compare to those of your competitors

2. The press release is vague about the details

Clarity is important. Be super upfront with every aspect of the product in order for it to get the most buzz possible.

Don't be vague. Let the people know what to expect.

3. No multimedia or lackluster multimedia

Listen, it's 2024. You just can't get away with PR that doesn't have pictures. We said it before, and we'll say it again: your press release needs high-quality assets.

4. The press release doesn't differentiate the product from the competition

Highlight and amplify the distinguishing features that separate your thing from the other things. Remember, you need to write to the media. Journalists won't particularly care about your press release if you are releasing the same thing that's already out there.

They want to know what you're doing different, why it's newsworthy, and why anybody will care.

5. Distributing your PR to the wrong people

Your product is great. We all know that. But, your product is not for everybody. Avoid spamming your new product to unrelated journalists. All that does is create a strained relationship with writers and give you a reputation for being lazy.

Press release for new product: Conclusion

Having the right information, high-quality assets, and a gorgeous newsroom to showcase your new product press release will help your brand stand out from the crowd. See our other articles on crafting the best press release and check out this MS Word press release template to get started!

Ready to create your own press release?

  • Publish and share professional, multimedia press releases
  • Translate to 30+ languages in seconds with AI
  • Free for your whole team for 14 days, no payment info required
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