Latest product updates

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May 3, 2024
ImprovementsBug FixesContacts

Contact tags: new permissions and improvements

Tag permissions for premium and agency plans

People organize things in different ways, and we've heard from some customers with larger teams that they want to centrally manage contact tags, to maintain more order and structure.

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April 12, 2024

The story, campaign and pitch listings are getting a new look! ✨

The story, campaign and pitch listings are getting a new look! ✨

Key changes

  • New layout – the new listings contain the same information as the previous tables, but presented in a more condensed format that doesn't require horizontal scrolling. It also allows more space for long titles.
  • Easier campaign and pitch comparison – with all data within view, you can quickly compare open and click rates across campaigns.
  • Simpler controls No more columns to reorder. Above the listed stories, campaigns and pitches you can still sort your list based on status, author, and more. You can also change rows per page.
  • Faster access to pitches – clicking a pitch row now opens the pitch, instead of the recipient of the pitch.
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March 25, 2024
New Features

Two-factor authentication

Two-factor authentication

We implemented two-factor authentication (2FA), which allows users to secure their account access using an authenticator app. 2FA can be enabled in your personal settings by each user individually, or an account can decide to enforce it for all users.

Please note that 2FA cannot be enabled if you use Google or SSO to log in.

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March 25, 2024
New Features

Weekly site activity round-up

Weekly site activity round-up

As of today, we'll start sending all of our users an automated email showing the past 7 days' activity for each of your site(s). Of course, this can be disabled in your email preferences.

March 22, 2024
New FeaturesImprovementsSites

Introducing featured categories

Introducing featured categories

Not all categories are created equal, and by choosing what to spotlight, you can bring more attention to the stories that matter.

To help with that we've launched featured categories in our Bea theme.

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March 5, 2024

Improved image galleries

Improved image galleries

We've just shipped a nice improvement to galleries - you can now crop, delete, edit captions and reorder images directly in the editor!

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