Latest product updates
Two-factor authentication
We implemented two-factor authentication (2FA), which allows users to secure their account access using an authenticator app. 2FA can be enabled in your personal settings by each user individually, or an account can decide to enforce it for all users.
Please note that 2FA cannot be enabled if you use Google or SSO to log in.
Weekly site activity round-up
As of today, we'll start sending all of our users an automated email showing the past 7 days' activity for each of your site(s). Of course, this can be disabled in your email preferences.
Introducing featured categories
Not all categories are created equal, and by choosing what to spotlight, you can bring more attention to the stories that matter.
To help with that we've launched featured categories in our Bea theme.
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Show site headers and footers in campaigns and pitches
We’ve just rolled out a new site header and footer feature that you can use when attaching stories to your pitches and campaigns.
This allows you to add site branding to the stories you send out, and makes it easier for readers to navigate to your site for more info.
🆕 Introducing: Subscriber management
We've just launched a new page designed to help you manage your site subscribers. Here you can see everyone who subscribes to each of your Prezly sites, and choose whether you want to add them as contacts in your CRM. (There are also settings to automate this process – more on that below!)
You can access the subscribers page from your site dashboard, and use it to view, track, and organize your subscribers in a streamlined way.
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