Latest product updates

Explore Prezly's latest feature releases, product enhancements, design updates, and bug fixes.
March 5, 2024
New FeaturesCampaigns

Show site headers and footers in campaigns and pitches

Show site headers and footers in campaigns and pitches

We’ve just rolled out a new site header and footer feature that you can use when attaching stories to your pitches and campaigns.

This allows you to add site branding to the stories you send out, and makes it easier for readers to navigate to your site for more info.

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February 9, 2024

🆕 Introducing: Subscriber management

🆕 Introducing: Subscriber management

We've just launched a new page designed to help you manage your site subscribers. Here you can see everyone who subscribes to each of your Prezly sites, and choose whether you want to add them as contacts in your CRM. (There are also settings to automate this process – more on that below!)

You can access the subscribers page from your site dashboard, and use it to view, track, and organize your subscribers in a streamlined way.

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January 26, 2024

The new site dashboard

Each of your sites now has its own site dashboard, providing you with an overview of the stories, campaigns, and coverage that belongs to the site. It's also where you access all the settings for your site.

When you create a new site, settings on the site dashboard will be highlighted to guide you through the setup successfully.

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December 22, 2023
New FeaturesCampaigns

AI Auto-translation is available in beta

We've just rolled out our auto-translation feature, allowing you to automatically translate the text of a story in Prezly to 30 different languages with the click of a button.

It's fully build on top of our already existing translation management system, but instead of needing to paste in or manually translate the text, Prezly can do that for you.

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December 21, 2023

Improved click report for campaigns

🚦Click reports are only available for Premium or Enterprise plans. If you wish to activate this, please go to your Plans page in your Subscription & Billing settings.

We've improved the Click report users see as part of their overall campaign reports. As of today, the Click report will provide more context about the type of link that recipients click on in your email, showing whether this was a simple link to your site or newsroom; an image, attachment, or video; or an link to an external site.

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December 15, 2023

New release: Story versioning 📝

New release: Story versioning 📝

At Prezly, we believe that even the best writers can make mistakes, but we're here to ensure those slip-ups don't slow you down. We're happy to announce our new Story Versioning feature, designed to make your writing process smoother, more confident, and hassle-free.

Here's what you need to know:

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