Feature Labs

Enable additional features for your team

Prezly Feature Labs offers additional features that you can enable for your team.

Go to Settings > Feature Labs by clicking your user name in the bottom left corner, ​ and enable applicable features:

The features

Automatic AI story translations

Available on Core and higher plans.

Auto-translation allows you to create instantaneous translations of your Prezly stories using artificial intelligence.

Using the AI auto-translation add-on to localize stories
Using the AI auto-translation add-on to localize stories

Save time translating your stories by letting AI handle your first draft.

Confidential stories

Available on Enterprise plan.

Confidential stories only appear to you, the author, in the Prezly application. Even your teammates will not be able to read or edit it, but you may choose to share the Preview URL with anyone, so they can read it in the newsroom.

Access to the story can be revoked any time by unpublishing the story. (You may need to publish it first, if you shared a draft.) This expires the link you shared in the previous step.

Confidential Stories
Confidential Stories

⚠️ Available only on Enterprise plans ⚠️

Contact salutation

Available on Premium and higher plans.

Contact salutation allows you to add a field to a contact profile that specifies how you want to address that person in an email campaign.

Example uses: Mrs, Mister, Mr, Mdm, Madame or Monsieur...

That field can then be used to personalize your email Campaigns.

Personalizing your email Campaigns
Personalizing your email Campaigns

Use dynamic content information to personalize your Email Campaigns

Personalization data can be imported through the contact importer or edited via the contact edit sidebar.

Story embargo

Available on Core and higher plans.

An Embargo story, is a story that will remain private until the embargo time is over.

When the story is still on embargo, and someone opens it, they'll see an embargo message at the top of the story letting the reader know that the release should remain private until that specified date. 

Website preview
Publish options in Prezly
See what options you have when publishing your stories

Story tags

Available on Premium and higher plans.

Story tags help you organize your stories in different groups, team names, topics and more. This feature is for managing your stories internally so you and your teammates can easily find stories in the dashboard. Story tags are only visible in the Stories page and not displayed on the newsroom.


Got an idea for a feature you'd love to see in Prezly? Let us know :)

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