How to delete a site

Take a site offline or store it for later in your site settings

When you no longer wish to keep a site active, or you would like to deactivate a site to make space for a new one, you can choose to make it "non-live" or completely remove a site from your Prezly license.

On your site dashboard page, click on "Advanced" and scroll down to the "Danger Zone."

As of July 2024, the option to archive a site has been retired. Instead, please use the "non-live" status to pause sites you aren't using.

Non-live sites

Switching a site to non-live comes in handy if you wish to pause working on a site for a longer period of time, but don't want to lose any of the settings or stories already added to it.

Non-live sites do not count towards your account's site allowance.

More about live and non-live sites here.

Delete site

Deleting a site will completely remove it from your account, and it will immediately stop existing for an external visitor. All stories published in the site will also be removed, and the site will no longer be searchable online.

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