How can I cancel an unsubscribe?
If someone unsubscribes from your site, it's easy to get them back aboard
To resubscribe a contact who has unsubscribed from a site's communications, simply ask that person to enter their email into the email sign-up form in your site footer.
If you've previously requested to deactivate your form, you may not have an email subscription form in your site footer. Speak with us via our chat or email and we'll be happy to help :)
You can see the site (or sites) from which each contact in your CRM has unsubscribed by hovering over the red icon next to their name.
This is where things get a little tricky, but not to worry – give us a shout and we'll be able to find out which email address is unsubscribed in our database. Just email and we'll be happy to help.