Cancellation policy

See how to cancel your account 😢

You can cancel your license at any time by clicking on "Cancel auto-renewal" on the Billing page under Organization settings.

  1. From the drop-down menu on the top right, click Organization.
  2. Under Subscriptions & billing, click Billing.
  3. Scroll down to the section Payment details and click Cancel auto-renewal.

To understand what happens when you cancel your subscription with us, please refer to Prezly's Terms of Service (5. Cancellation and termination of services).

Obviously, we hate to see you go! Please feel free to reach out if you have any issues canceling at

Lose access 🚫

You pay for your Prezly subscription in advance, so even when you cancel, you will still have access to Prezly up until the end of your latest paid-for billing cycle.

Refund? ↔️

If you cancel prematurely, you will not receive a refund for the remaining month(s) and you will be able to use Prezly until the end of your plan's billing cycle.

Additional questions?

Click on the support icon or send an email to

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