Latest product updates

Explore Prezly's latest feature releases, product enhancements, design updates, and bug fixes.
November 27, 2023

Recent fixes and improvements

  • Sign-up using @gmail domains and similar are now possible
  • "Create story" button is fixed for Safari/OSX
  • "Show full story" is now the default view when adding stories to campaigns
  • Fixed issue where the green "+" menu was not visible on story edit page load
  • Fixed issue where opening a story in the editor loads the bottom of story
  • New table of contents available for Prezly Academy articles
  • Improved time set-up in the publish story options
November 6, 2023

Recent improvements & fixes

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed feature comparison table on
  • Fixed issue where changing story category replaces title and cover image
  • Fixed site titles showing three times when in live mode
  • Fixed bug causing [+] menu to not be visible on initial story edit page load
  • Fixed bug causing site search to not recognize capital letters
  • Changing filter type no longer closes filter modal
  • Fixed issue with duplicate and un-closable chat bubble in Edge 118.0.2088.76
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September 4, 2023

We've rolled out support for service specific embeds

The Embed feature is out of beta and now available in the editor’s multimedia menu

Previously, with just the Embed option, it might not have been obvious that there are a variety of embeds from different services that you can insert into your stories. Did you know you could embed a location on Google Maps? Or whole Twitter (now X) feeds?

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August 21, 2023

Access to help and resources is now much easier ✨

We believe that technology should make life easier, not just add noise, so our aim is to make Prezly as intuitive as possible. However, we also see that a little bit of guidance and easy access to resources empowers users to find answers and solve issues quickly.

No matter where you're at in your Prezly journey, just starting out or already a novice, our Help Center is chock full of easy-to-follow tutorials, videos, and best practice tips – and while we always add new help content to keep our users up to speed, perhaps they weren't always the easiest to get to or weren't linked in the best places.

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July 16, 2023

Recent improvements & fixes

Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug causing the story editor to crash when highlighting text
  • Fixed issue with country picker on the license activation page
  • Fixed issue with campaign report stats showing negative values
  • Fixed notification badge placement in the app on mobile view
  • Fixed bug causing social sharing links in confidential stories to break
  • Fixed the activate subscription CTA box on mobile view
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June 12, 2023

Story headers, titles and subtitles are now one with the editor

Previously, the header image, title, and subtitle placeholders were separate fields from the rest of Prezly's story editor. Now, they are part of the content, which enables you to use additional formatting and positioning options for all three, like centering your title text, or even adjusting the size and alignment of your header image!

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