Latest product updates

Explore Prezly's latest feature releases, product enhancements, design updates, and bug fixes.
May 29, 2023

Site contacts: Now universal and can be used as email signatures!

Site contacts has been available in Prezly for a while now, but recently, we've had some users tell us that – on top of adding site contacts to stories – being able to add signatures to their email campaigns or pitches would be super helpful.

So, we decided to make it possible! On 26 May, we launched an update to our site contacts embed that enables you to add signatures to any content created in Prezly, and to further simplify your workflow, you can now also insert site contacts from different sites!

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May 19, 2023

Prezly themes got an upgrade

Prezly's built-in site themes – Bea, Lena, Greta – have been upgraded to the latest versions of libraries they use: React 18 and Next 13. Here's what's different now:

  • Sharing images are now rendered at the same resolution (1200x630) for all sites, making them look much clearer on sharing cards
  • Transparent site logos in the upper left corner are now displayed on a background that matches the site’s header background color defined in the theme settings,
  • Sites without logos now display an image with fallback text, rendered in the same color and font used in the site's theme
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April 28, 2023
ImprovementsBug Fixes

Recent improvements & fixes

Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug causing a lag and frequent crashes in the story editor
  • Fixed issue with applying contact filter rules in the campaign composer
  • Fixed issue with the language picker always showing the last picked language
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April 21, 2023

Meet our new and improved Contact preview

Every contact imported or created in Prezly automatically has a contact profile, consisting of their contact details, organization information, notes, activity logs, and more. Previously, the contact profile could either be previewed or expanded to a whole page. But the structure of the contact profile page was rather outdated, and the hierarchy of contact information was taking up more space, requiring more scrolling up and down the page than it should.

So, we decided to give the contact preview a makeover, giving you a contact's information in one compact and convenient space, categorizing the information under different tabs for quicker access – and without having to expand and open a new page for a full overview! 🙌

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April 19, 2023

Introducing the new Site activity dashboard

Majority of Prezly users work on a number of different tasks within our app on a day-to-day basis, and a lot of their work is centered around sites and stories, such as publishing and distributing stories through targeted email campaigns. And the success of a press release or latest newsletter article is, oftentimes, measured based on site and story analytics, coverage or campaign engagement.

The tools to create and distribute stories, as well as analytics and reporting are spread out across different areas of the app, so we decided to build a space within the Prezly app that gives you a quick overview of each site’s performance and activity.

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March 27, 2023
ImprovementsNew FeaturesOther

Revamping billing: A new Plans page & a self-upgrade option

Improving the way our users handle their billing and plan details is something we've been working on behind the scenes here at Prezly, and we're excited to finally announce our latest release!

The latest updates offers you more control over billing settings, plus a better overview of you subscription & plan limits. Meet the brand new Plans page, the improved Billing page, and last, but definitely not least, the ability to self-upgrade directly in the Prezly app. For info on billing, plans, and upgrades, click here

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