Now you can start using Prezly for less

No more minimum user limits + new pricing starting at just €40 / month.

Please see our Pricing Page for the latest pricing information :)

You can now start using Prezly for just €40 / month with our new Starter Plan (previous pricing started at €240 / month). Why the change?

This past decade we have poured our heart and soul into Prezly and we're proud to say, it's now better than ever. We've got a great new editor, a powerful CRM and mailing capabilities with top deliverability rates, awesome service and human support.

Now we want to make these powerful functions available to more people, not just experienced PR teams.

The past year has taught us many hard lessons, and chief among these is the fact that everyone needs to have a simple way of communicating with their stakeholders. That's true whether you're a big business coordinating a workforce that's suddenly been taken remote, or a coffee shop owner trying to keep her customers informed about new opening hours.

We built Prezly to help PR teams communicate with their contacts. Now, we feel that Prezly can provide the same support to those outside of PR.

Right now, Prezly is used by Fortune 500 companies as well as small in-house teams and mammoth PR agencies. By making this pricing change, we are opening the doors to an even greater range of people who will benefit from better communications, and in the process, provide feedback that will help us to improve Prezly even further for everyone.

What does this mean for existing clients?

For our existing customers, nothing will change. Dependent on your usage, the new plans will be either similarly priced to your current subscription, or in some cases even cheaper.

We will be rolling out these changes over the coming months. If you believe you could get a better deal through the new pricing, feel free to reach out and we can transfer you over on your next renewal.

You can see the new pricing here.

Thank you, and we wish you all a good January,

Jesse & Gijs


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