Privacy settings for your sites

Customize the text for your email footer, cookie statement, and site subscribe information

Prezly provides out-of-the-box, standardized text for your email footers, cookie statements, and site subscribe information.

In case you have a need to alter these, please reach out to us through the in-app chat bubble or at

⚠️ Available only on Enterprise plans ⚠️

As an Enterprise customer, you can customize your legal or policy disclaimers – such as the cookie statement – your subscribe success message, and your email footer message by heading over to the Privacy settings, found on your site dashboard.

These settings allow you to customize the text or messaging so that they fully reflect your brand voice and personality, all while making sure you ensure compliance with GDPR and privacy policy.

You can also customize the texts for different languages that are enabled for your site.


About the author

Klarissa DjajalieKD
Klarissa DjajalieCustomer and Product Marketing

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