How to add a callout block and highlight text in your Stories, Campaigns, and Pitches

Callout blocks and text highlights help make important information stand out.

What are callout blocks?

Callout blocks are highlighted text blocks that you can add to your stories and emails in Prezly. They allow you to highlight entire paragraphs, making them stand out from the rest of your content.

How to add a new callout block?

Callout blocks can be added to a new paragraph same as other blocks (via the [+] button).

  1. Click the [+] button on a new paragraph.
  2. Select "Callout" from the list.
  3. Start typing your text inside the callout block.

How to change/hide the emoji on your callout block?

By default, callouts use the 💡 emoji, but you can change it depending on what you want to accomplish.

  1. Click the emoji or the + icon inside your callout block.
  2. Pick an emoji: Select the one you want to add depending on your end goal and click to add it.
  3. Hide the emoji: Below the emoji selection modal, you'll see a checkbox that will allow you to hide it. If ticked, the emoji will not show in your newsroom/email.


Pro tip: Full breaks don't work inside callout blocks. Use [Shift] + [Enter] to create a new paragraph inside the block.

Pro tip: You can make parts of your text inside callouts bold, italic, underlined, or even add links. Just change the text as you would usually do in a normal text block.


How to turn a text block into a callout?

You can also turn existing text blocks into callouts.

  1. Select the text block you want to turn into a callout.
  2. On your text-formatting bar, click the text type (eg. Paragraph, Heading 1, etc.) and click [Callout] on the dropdown.
  3. Your text block should now be turned into a callout block.


Note: The callout background and border color are inherited from your site accent color. This means that all your blocks will be always in-brand with your site.


Text Highlights

This feature allows you to highlight parts of your inline text content. This means you can now bring attention to specific words, titles, or entire sentences in stories and emails.


How to highlight text?

  1. Select the text you want to highlight. It can be a word or an entire sentence.
  2. In the formatting options bar, click the highlight icon (5th from the left).
  3. Your selected text is now highlighted.


Pro tip: You can highlight pretty much all text inside your stories and emails. The text highlight feature works on titles, paragraphs, ordered/unordered lists, and even inside some blocks as the callout or quote blocks.

Pro tip: Full breaks don't work inside callout blocks use [Shift] + [Enter] to create a new paragraph inside the block.


If you have any question or suggestion, please drop us a message through any of our available channels.

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