Contact search filters

The full list

  • Contact search filters are a powerful tool that allows you to find the exact contacts you need so you can include them in segments or tag them as you see fit.
  • You can also search the filters themselves.


The full list by subtype:

Common filters:

Click rate
Values: Percentage
Operators: Equal = | Greater > | Greater than or equal >= | Less than < | Less than or equal <=

Function / title
Values: Alphanumerical | Multiple
Operators: Any of these | None of these

Media type
Values: Alphanumerical | Multiple
Operators: Any of these | None of these | All of these

Number of linked contacts
Values: Numerical
Operators: Equal = | Greater > | Greater than or equal >= | Less than < | Less than or equal <=

Number of linked organizations
Values: Numerical
Operators: Equal = | Greater > | Greater than or equal >= | Less than < | Less than or equal <=

Open rate
Values: Percentage
Operators: Equal = | Greater > | Greater than or equal >= | Less than < | Less than or equal <=

Values: Alphanumerical | Multiple
Operators: Any of these | None of these | All of these

Values: Alphanumerical | Multiple
Operators: Any of these | None of these

Values: Alphanumerical | Multiple
Operators: Any of these | None of these | All of these

Contact information:

Email address
Values: Alphanumerical
Operators: Any of these | None of these | All of these

Has multiple emails
Values: Yes | No

Number of emails
Values: Numerical
Operators: Equal = | Greater > | Greater than or equal >= | Less than < | Less than or equal <=

Values: Person | Organisation

With email address
Values: Yes | No


Contact management:

Discovered relations
Values: Yes | No

Values: Yes | No


Personal information:

First name
Values: Alphanumerical
Operators: Is | Is not | Contains | Does not contain

Values: Male | Female | Unspecified
Operators: Is | Is not

Last name
Values: Alphanumerical
Operators: Is | Is not | Contains | Does not contain

Values: Alphanumerical
Operators: Is | Is not | Contains | Does not contain


Language & address:

Values: Alphanumerical
Operators: Any of these | None of these

Values: Alphanumerical
Operators: Any of these | None of these

Values: Alphanumerical
Operators: Any of these | None of these | All of these

State / province
Values: Alphanumerical
Operators: Any of these | None of these


Social media:

Values: Alphanumerical
Operators: Is | Is not


Success metrics:

Click rate
Values: Percentage
Operators: Equal = | Greater > | Greater than or equal >= | Less than < | Less than or equal <=

Values: Yes | No

Number of coverage
Values: Numerical
Operators: Equal = | Greater > | Greater than or equal >= | Less than < | Less than or equal <=

Open rate
Values: Percentage
Operators: Equal = | Greater > | Greater than or equal >= | Less than < | Less than or equal <=

Subscribed to
Values: Site (Dropdown)
Operators: Is | Is not



Values: Yes | No

Data request
Values: Incomplete Requests | Complete Requests | Deletion Requests | Information Requests | Data Correction | Other

Last contacted
Values: Date (Dropdown)
Operators: Is after | Is before | Is exactly

Reported spam
Values: Yes | No


Values: Yes | No

Values: Yes | No

Values: Yes | No


Notes & coverage:

Values: Yes | No

Values: Yes | No

Number of coverage
Values: Numerical
Operators: Equal = | Greater > | Greater than or equal >= | Less than < | Less than or equal <=

Number of notes
Values: Numerical
Operators: Equal = | Greater > | Greater than or equal >= | Less than < | Less than or equal <=



Affected by import
Values: Contact import (Dropdown)

Created at
Values: Date (Dropdown)
Operators: Is after | Is before | Is exactly

Created by
Values: Prezly User (Dropdown)
Operators: Any of these | None of these

Created by import
Values: Contact import (Dropdown)

Last modified
Values: Date (Dropdown)
Operators: Is after | Is before | Is exactly

Updated by import
Values: Contact import (Dropdown)

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