Latest product updates

Explore Prezly's latest feature releases, product enhancements, design updates, and bug fixes.
June 24, 2022

New: Reordering newsroom categories

The newsroom categories feature has helped many of our users keep their stories organized, so that anyone visiting their newsrooms can find exactly what they're looking for easily and without frustration.

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May 31, 2022

Newsroom creation panel – redesigned

We’ve given our Newsroom creation panel a makeover, where you can now select a theme to build on, and soon, we'll be releasing an option to add demo content in your newsrooms so you can see what your newsrooms could look like when it is populated with content.

With the new panel, once you create a newsroom, you’re automatically brought into your Newsroom settings page, making it easier for you to create a newsroom and get it all set up quickly. 

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May 23, 2022
New FeaturesImprovementsStoriesCampaigns

Image alignment, sizing options and other improvements

Image alignment

Image alignment is now available in your Story Editor! The new Image settings comes with new alignment options, as well as sizing controls and the ability to customize the link on your images.

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May 19, 2022
New FeaturesSites

Introducing: Prezly's first ever dark theme

Meet Marcel, the latest of our new generation of themes!

As our first ever dark theme, Marcel features a dark background that is better for low-light settings and is easy on the eyes 👀

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May 16, 2022
New FeaturesStories

New Story Editor embed: Story bookmarks

This embed enables you to select stories from a dropdown list of all your published stories (as well as stories across all of your newsrooms, if you have more than one) and then add them as embeds in your stories.

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April 27, 2022
New FeaturesSites

New: Subscription form toggle

We have another new update in your Privacy settings! You now have the option to add or remove the subscription form from your newsrooms. This form allows visitors to subscribe to communications from a newsroom and is toggled on by default.

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