Bring your coverage into Prezly

Automatically bring your coverage into Prezly for easy reporting, and use PRpro to distribute your press releases to all of Belgium's general media with just one click.

Bring your coverage into Prezly

Centralize your PR by pulling your earned media mentions into your Prezly CRM.

See at a glance which journalists have covered what story, and use the PRpro integration to distribute your story to Belgium's media with just two clicks.

Belgium's national news agency is now fully integrated with Prezly, meaning you can track coverage and post your releases to PRpro automatically through your Prezly dashboard.

The integration automatically pulls coverage from your subscription into your Prezly account, linking it with the author of the coverage in your CRM, as well as with the newsroom story covered – fully centralizing your PR.

Also included in the integration is Belga's PRpro service, which makes it easy to instantly distribute your press releases to all of Belgium's general media simply by publishing it through Prezly.

Note: To use this service, you will need to have an active PRpro subscription, currently priced at 1,800€ excl. VAT. Please contact Belga for full details.

It saves a lot of time. It makes my life easier and the outputs more effective.

Mark Van Hamme
Mark Van HammeEneco
Mark Van Hamme

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