Supported contact fields in your Excel or CSV file

A full list of fields or labels recognized by our Contact Importer

Currently we support the below fields for a contact. These are also the fields you can add in your importing file, when importing contacts in Prezly.

1. Type

  • Options: person or organization
  • This field is not required, but highly recommended. If you import organizations as a person, it will create lots of confusion and make your database messy. 

2. Organization 

  • Options: any string data (in a comma separated list)
  • Where the person contact works. If a contact works at multiple organizations, use a comma separated list in one cell, e.g. The Daily Mail, Wired, Times 
  • If this organization doesn't exist yet in your database, it will be automatically created

3. First name 

  • Options: any string data 
  • Leave this field empty if the contact is an organization 

4. Last name

  • Options: any string data 
  • Leave this field empty if the contact is an organization 

5. Full name

  • Options: any string data 
  • Optionally, if you don't have a first and last name column you can import contacts with a full name in one column. Prezly will then automatically try to distinguish between first and last name when importing. However, it is recommended to use separate first and last name columns if possible. 

6. Function

  • Options: any string data 
  • It means the function or the title on the contact within his/her organization 

7. Email 

  • Options:
  • You can upload up to nine email addresses for each contact.

8. Email (second) 

9. Email (third) 

10. Telephone

  • Options: phone number 

11. Mobile

  • Options: phone number 

12. Street, Number, Box

  • Options:
    • Street: Any string data 
    • Number, box: number

13. Zip/Post code

  • Options: number 

14. City/Town

  • Options: Any string data 

15. County/Region

  • Options: Any string data 

16. Country

  • Options: Any string data 

17. Tags

  • Options: any string data
  • If you have multiple tags for a contact, add them in a comma separated list, in one cell, e.g. lifestyle, beauty, design

18. Comment/Note

  • Options: any sting data
  • Include additional notes that you might have on the contact 

19. Language

  • Options: two-letter short code (in a comma separated list)
  • Fill in the languages that the contact speaks 
  • View a full list of country codes here
  • If a contact speaks multiple languages, use a comma separated list in one cell, e.g. en, nl, de ​ 

20. Media type

  • Options: analyst, blog, expert, influencer, magazine, news website, newsletter, newspaper, photo, podcast, print, radio, social, tv, vlog, web or wire
  • Choose the media type of your contacts. If a contact is active in more than one media type, add them in a comma separated list, in one cell, e.g. print, radio, tv

21. Periodicity

  • Options: daily, bi-weekly, weekly, bi-monthly, monthly, quarterly, bi-annually or annually
  • You can define your contacts medium periodicity, for example weekly magazine, daily podcast, monthly report etc... You can only pick one periodicity per contact, so no comma separated. 

22. Gender

  • Options: male or female

23. Domain identifier

  • Options:
  • Only for organization contacts. Should be a link to the main company website. Helps Prezly automatically fill in the contact with additional data. Read more here

24. Website

  • Options: 
  • If a contact has multiple websites, add the websites in a comma separated list

25. Twitter (now called X)

  • Options: Twitter username 
  • It's not necessary to write the @ sign before the username 

26. Facebook

  • Options: username 

27. LinkedIn

  • Options: username 

28. Instagram

  • Options: username 

29. Pinterest

  • Options: username 

30. YouTube

  • Options: username 

31. Discord

  • Options: username 

32. Twitch

  • Options: username 

33. Skype

  • Options: username 

34. Snapchat

  • Options: username 

35. Salutation

  • You can also define a contact salutation such as Mr or Mrs. 

About the author

Klarissa DjajalieKD
Klarissa DjajalieCustomer and Product Marketing

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