Dein LopezDL
Dein Lopez
5 minutes read

Tagging your contacts

How to create, delete, and use tags to categorize your contacts.

Tags help you categorize or separate different groups of contacts. This enables you to easily search for specific groups of contacts within your database.

Where to find all of your tags

You can view all the Tags you have in your contacts database by going to the Contacts area of your account using the left navigation bar, and from there choosing either Tags from the same sidebar (it will appear nested under Contacts), or Manage tags in the navigation bar at the top of the screen:


Creating tags

You can create Tags when you import your contacts by adding a "tags" column to the spreadsheet you import.

You can also add create tags by clicking on Contacts in your left sidebar, and selecting the Tags item that appears below Contacts in your sidebar. To create a new tag, click the green Create tag button in the top-right corner.

[browser]Highlighted are the options to create a new tag, merge tags, and delete tags.
Highlighted are the options to create a new tag, merge tags, and delete tags.

Renaming and merging tags

You can rename individual tags by clicking on the ··· button to the right of the tag you want to edit (see the screenshot above).

To merge tags, select the checkbox next to each tag you want to merge and click the Merge button. You will be given the option to define a name for the merged tags.

If you want to delete multiple tags at once, select the checkbox next to each tag you want removed, and click the ··· button next to the Merge option above the tags grid.

Applying tags to your contacts

Adding tags to multiple contacts

Simply search for contacts using the filter on the Contacts page, and check the "Select all" checkbox at the top of the Contacts table. 

Then click on "Apply Tags" to add tags to all your selected contacts. You can create a new tag or use an existing tag from your database.

You can also add Tags to multiple contacts at once when importing contacts.

Adding a tag to a single contact

On the Contacts page, you can add Tags to a single contact by selecting the checkbox next to a contact's name, and then clicking on "Tag." This will open a full list of all your Tags, where you can select more than one and then click on "Apply Tag."

Adding tags in a contact preview

When you click on a contact, their contact preview will appear on the right side, where you can apply a new or existing tag to the contact.

Removing tags from your contacts

How to un-tag your contacts.

Removing tags from multiple contacts at once

You can add or remove tags from multiple people when viewing your contact grid. To do this, select the contacts you want to add tags to or remove tags from by checking the box next to their names, click the ••• button, and then choose Remove tags.

This will open an overlay where you can choose which tags to remove from your selected contacts.


You can select contacts while using a filter or viewing a segment.

Removing tags using the contact preview side-panel

You can also remove tags while viewing individual contacts. To do this, click on the contact from which you want to remove the tag. A side-panel with the information for that contact will appear.

Scroll down the Profile tab in the contact side-panel until you see the Tags section. Here, click the little x next to a tag to remove it, or select Manage to manage all of the tags in your account. Learn more about managing tags

You can also click Add to link additional tags to your selected contact.


Deleting a tag from your account

You can also remove a tag permanently from your database.

Note: when you delete a tag, it will disappear from your Prezly account and from the profiles of any contacts tagged with that tag. The contacts themselves will remain otherwise unaffected in your Prezly contacts list.

To delete a tag, go to your Manage tags page, which you can access by clicking Contacts and then Tags in the left sidebar.

Once there, click the ··· button to the right of the individual tag you want to delete.

To delete multiple tags, use the checkboxes to the left of the tag names to select the tags you want to delete, then click the ··· button to the right of the Merge option and select Delete.

You will be asked to confirm the change before the tags are deleted from your database.


Organize contact tags using tag groups

Tag groups help you organize tags into clearly findable groups, while retaining the flexibility of general ad-hoc tags.

The contact tags management page with groups [browser]
The contact tags management page with groups

Grouped tags appear first in the tag picker on contact profiles.

Tags in contact grids are marked with the color of their group. Ungrouped tags have a grey color next to them, and grouped tags are colored, with group names showing on hover.

Tag permissions for premium and agency plans

You can restrict who can create tags (useful for teams who have a pre-defined tag structure).

Go into Settings > Manage team and uncheck the 'Import contacts and manage tags' permission from those users who you don't want to be able to create new tags (either via importing contacts or editing contacts).

Please note: Users without this permission will no longer be able to manage or create new tags or perform imports, but will be able to select and add existing tags to contacts.


💡Pro Tip: Save a combination of Tags or filter rules as Segments

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