Cookies on Prezly sites

The different types of cookies we store and why

Prezly sites store cookies. ​

In this article you can find a description of the different types of cookies we store and why.

We have three types of cookies:

  • Analytical cookies that store anonymous information about your browser (unique identifier) and where you come from. These cookies are used to identify recurring visitors and provide reports on traffic sources.
  • Personal cookies that contain a unique user id for your session. The user id is set by injecting a unique identifier in every Prezly email campaign and passed on when you click a link. These cookies are used only when we have consent to share personal data and are only shared with the integrations you have enabled on your site
  • Third-party cookies are cookies set by third parties, such as hCaptcha (verify site submission) or for other integrations you have enabled on your site.

We do not ask visitor permission to store Analytical and 3rd party cookies as they do not contain any personally identifiable information as regulated under GDPR.

Instead, we ask every new visitor their explicit consent to 1) store personal cookies and 2) use these cookies to pass to the CRM and linked integrations.

List of cookies

Here is a list of cookies together with their expiry date:

  • consent: Store boolean (yes/no) to indicate if a visitor has given consent to use personal cookies. Stored for 365 days/1year.
  • ajs_anonymous_id: Analytical cookie to store a unique device id (to detect recurring visits).
    • Used by Prezly only ​
    • Shared with (and the enabled integrations) if you have enabled in your account
  • _utma, _utmb, _utmc, _utmt, _utmz: Google Analytics cookies if that is enabled on your site.
    • most of these cookies expire the same day
    • _utmz is kept for 6 months
  • ajs_user_id, ajs_group_id: Analytical cookie to identify visitor. Stored for 24 hours max.
    • Used by Prezly only ​
    • Shared with (and the enabled integrations) if you have enabled in your account

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